Superceding Request for Graduate AssistantsYour InformationFirst NameLast NameEmail AddressStudent InformationFirst NameLast NameBanner IDOrgAcad Achievement Ctr - 10913Accessibility Resources - Serv - 44602Accounting and Finance - 11812African Amer/African Diaspora - 12225Anthropology - 12202Ashby Residential College - 10906Associate Dean - Research - 12232Athletic Dev/Pub Affairs - 34301Biology - 12204Biotechn Genomics & Health Research - 11505Business and Econ Student Svcs - 11807Campus Activities and Programs - 44807Career & Professional Dev. - 44603CAS Advising Center (CASA) - 12223Center for Critical Inquiry - 12220Center-Youth-Families & Comm - 11504CEP - 12002CFNC Resource Center/Pathways - 12015Chemistry & Biochemistry - 12205Comm Sciences and Disorders - 13001Communication Studies - 12221Community and Therapeutic Rec - 13005Comp Trans and Post-Sec Edu - 11514Computer Science - 12228Consumer Apparel-Retail Stds - 12404Counseling and Edu Development - 12003Ctr for Educ Research and Eval - 12008Ctr for New North Carolinians - 12409Ctr for Transl Biomed Research - 13403Ctr for Womens Health-Wellness - 13405Dean of Students - 44503Dean's Office - AS - 12201Dean's Office - BE - 11801Dean's Office - ED - 12001Dean's Office - HH - 13401Dean's Office - NN - 13201Dean's Office - NU - 12801Dean's Office - VP - 12601Dean's Office, School of HES - 12402Dean's Office, School of HHP - 13002Digital ACT Studio - 12236Economics - 11802Ed Ldrship and Cultural Found - 12011Ed Research Methodology - 12012Elliott University Center - 44803English - 12207Enrollment Management - 10207Financial Aid and Scholarships - 10208General Counsel - 68901Genetic Counseling - 11402Geography - 12208Geography/Environment/Sustain - 12235Gerontology - 11403Global Pathway - 11405Graduate School - 11401Grogan Residential College - 10904HealthyUNCG - 13409HHP Research Office - 13007HHS Grad - Undergrad Programs - 13407HHS Office of Academic Outreach - 13009HHS Office of Research - 13402History - 12210Housing and Residence Life - 44502Human Devlp and Family Studies - 12403Human Environmental Sciences - 1D024Info Sys and Supply Chn Mngmt - 11806Info Technology Services - 23101Informatics and Analytics - 11406Inst for Data Eval & Analytics - 11512Inst for Prom of Ath Hlth Well - 13406Inst Research-Analytics - 10803Intercollegiate Athletics - 85001Intercultural Engagement - 44804Interior Architecture - 12406International Honors College - 13101International Program Center - 11101Kinesiology - 13003Languages Lit and Cultures - 12217Leadership - Civic Engagement - 44805Learning Communities - 10916Library & Information Science - 12005Management - 11809Mathematics and Statistics - 12227MBA Office - 11808McDowell Research Center - 11810Media Studies - 12226Middle College - 13408MRK/ENT/HTM - 11813Music - 12602Music Education - 12607Music Studies - 12604Nanoscience - 13202NC Entrepreneurship Center - 11511New Student Transition and FYE - 44601Nursing - 12802Nutrition - 12405Off of Research and Engagement - 11501Office of Research Integrity - 11503Office of the Chancellor - 68801Office of the Provost - 10101Online Learning - Online Edu - 10301Online Learning - Summer - 10302Partnership School - 12022Peace and Conflict Studies - 11404Physics and Astronomy - 12213Planning & Assessment - 10804Political Science - 12214Psychology - 12215Public Health Education - 13006Recreation and Wellness - 44801Religious Studies - 12216School of Art - 12203School of Dance - 13004School of Music - 12611School of Theatre - 12222SERVE - 12004Social Work - 12401Sociology - 12218SOE - Student Services Office - 12018Speaking Center - 10909Special Events - 33603Special Support Services - 10912Specialized Education Services - 12017Sponsored Programs - 11502Strong Residential College - 10910Student Academic Services - 10914Student Affairs - 44501Student Health Services - 44604Students First Office - 10918Teacher Educ and Higher Educ - 12006Teaching Fellows Program - 12009Title IX - 68805UG Rsrch Schlrshp Creatvty Off - 11507UNCG Guarantee - 10915UNCIRC - 11102Undergraduate Admissions - 10202Undergraduate Student Success - 13601Univ Tchg and Learning Commons - 10901University Advancement - 33601University Libraries - 11601University Registrar's Office - 10204Weatherspoon Art Museum - 11001Women's Gender and Sexuality - 12224Writing Center - 10908First Work DateFirst Work DateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202120222023202420252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044Last Work DateLast Work DateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202120222023202420252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044Position Number & SuffixFTEIndex/FundAccountSalaryEffective Date (First day of first month of change)Effective Date (First day of first month of change)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202120222023202420252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044Last Paid Date (Last day of last month being paid)Last Paid Date (Last day of last month being paid)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202120222023202420252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044TitleOffice AssistantResearch AssistantClinical AssistantInstructional AssistantTeaching AssociateCommentsEmail for Department ApproverEmail for Unit ApproverEmail for PI (if needed)Any other emails neededNOTE: We will include the emails for Contracts and Grants and the Budget Office, if necessary.Submit